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The Fear of Precipices, Cremnophobia
Many people enjoy hiking and taking pictures near cliffs’ edges. It’s exhilarating to feel so close to the sky and the views are incredible. Unfortunately, not everyone shares that joy. While some love sitting on a cliff’s edge, others dread it and may even have panic attacks.
Precipices: a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
If you fear steep edges like precipices, you may have cremnophobia or cliff phobia. It is a specific phobia that is often mistaken for acrophobia, the fear of heights. However, those who fear precipices can use the elevator or even ride the Ferris wheel without breaking a sweat. The only exception is cliffs, which is what makes this phobia stand out.
Symptoms of Crembophobia
The symptoms of this phobia are unique for every individual. Some can tolerate looking at cliffs while others start experiencing the symptoms at the mere mention of the words “cliff” and “precipice.” Its symptoms can be classified as physical and psychological.
Physical Symptoms
- Dizziness
- Freezing on the spot
- Gastric problems
- Heart palpitations
- High blood pressure
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Sweaty hands
- Vomiting
Psychological Symptoms
- Detachment from reality
- Mood swings
- Morbid and irrational thoughts
- Nightmares about cliffs
- Panic attacks
- Refusal to go to any outdoor activity that involves cliffs
- Severe anxiety
- Unexplained aggression
- Urge to flee and hide
Causes of Cremnophobia
Experiencing something traumatic or witnessing something unpleasant associated with cliffs can make you think of cliffs as something negative. For example, if as a child, you nearly fell or slipped near a cliff or saw someone did, these tragic incidents can create a negative imprint in your memory.
You can also develop cremnophobia if you watched a documentary or a movie about cliffs and someone got hurt from these steep edges.
Sometimes, the people you grow up with can also unknowingly pass on their fear to you. If you grew up in an overly cautious environment where extreme outdoor activities were avoided, you can carry that apprehension as you grow. It can develop into cremnophobia.
Treatment of Cremnophobia
It is never too late to get treatment for your phobia. As long as you are determined to manage your fear, you can. Never underestimate the power of your mind because you’ll be surprised at how certain treatments can make you look at cliffs differently.
You can always try DIY treatments at home or enlist the help of professionals. You can even do both.
Examples of Self-Help Treatments for Cremnophobia
#1. Find Your Motivation
You should always have a reason for doing something. Knowing why you want to overcome your phobia is imperative.
Do you want to scale mountains? Do you have friends who often explore cliffs and don’t want to feel left out? Or maybe you just want to watch TV shows with cliffs without feeling extreme anxiety?
Whatever your reason, it will keep you going even when things become difficult.
#2. Learn To Control Your Breathing
Calm yourself by learning to breathe deeply and slowly. One of the most common symptoms of panic is hyperventilation so learning how to control it is a huge step. Focus on controlling your breathing through breathing exercises, meditations, and yoga.
#3. Become Part of Self-Help Communities
One of the advantages of social media is the self-help communities that you can join for free. This is one way to get in touch with other people who have similar challenges. Knowing that someone else is going through the same thing as you can be comforting because it means you are not alone. You can learn from other people’s experiences and have a support system, even if it’s online.
Examples of Professional Treatments for Cremnophobia
Consulting a psychiatrist or psychologist can be a smart move if you want a medical approach to your phobia. Usually, professional treatments start with counseling and conversations with your doctor. From there, you may be recommended therapies like:
#1. Exposure Therapy
This is a common form of therapy for most people with phobias. The goal is to gradually expose you to the object of your fear. In your case, you may be shown pictures of cliffs and watch films with steep terrains before going on a short hike and being a few meters away from a cliff. This is a long process but an effective one.
#2. Psychotherapy
This therapy aims to slowly alter your thinking, reaction, and behavior towards the object of your fear. Though you have a negative perception of cliffs, you can have healthier perspectives with psychotherapy.
#3. Medications
There are cases when your doctor will prescribe medicines to help manage your symptoms. This is not a treatment plan for everyone and is only recommended on a case-to-case basis. Depression medications and drugs for anxiety are usually prescribed but always remember they often come with side effects that your doctor will discuss with you. Make sure you understand them.
Living With Cremnophobia
Living with an irrational fear of cliffs can be limiting, especially if your cremnophobia is severe. You may avoid many situations that could be beneficial for you. Movies and shows with cliffs, images of cliffs, and climbing natural terrains are all experiences that most people aren’t afraid of.
If you’re living with cremnophobia, know that you don’t have to keep embracing your fears. You can do something about it by trying some of the therapies suggested in this article. By getting help today, you can begin your journey to a life with more freedom, courage, and beauty.
Let Us Conclude
Precipices can be scary but they offer amazing views and memorable experiences. Whether you’re afraid of actual cliffs, images of cliffs, or both, you can get over your cremnophobia.
Don’t let your fear of precipices get the best of you. Even if you are unable to overcome your phobia completely, you can still lead a full and satisfying life. With time and therapy, you can enjoy a hike without batting an eye at Mother Nature’s ravines and steep edges.