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Welcome to FearAZ’s popular List of Phobias A to Z!

Whatever you’re seeking to discover about fears or all phobias, you’ve come to the perfect starting point. Whether you’re a student researching fears for an assignment, a writer looking for a plot piece, wondering how many phobias are there or an individual seeking to learn more about a friend or family member’s phobia, our List of Phobias A to Z has what you’re looking for.


FearAZ has compiled hundreds of fears and phobias into one single list and we’re not done yet!

In this handy phobias list and meanings, you’ll find both everyday fears such as the fear of heights (acrophobia), to the more uncommon phobias like kathisophobia, the fear of sitting down. You’ll learn that a fear of buttons, also known as koumpounophobia, is a legitimate phobia. Or perhaps you live with someone who has a morbid fear of cotton balls. Well, that’s here too.  And if you’ve ever heard someone confess they’re afraid of everything—well, look no further than panophobia.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll even discover the psychological term for your own fear or phobia—one you didn’t even realize had a name.

Many of the fears and phobias listed here come with convenient links to further reading. And because fears and phobias often go by different names, the list is alphabetized and cross-referenced for ease.


So pull up a chair and get that mouse ready to scroll. Don’t be afraid to dig into this great guide!


BONUS: We now offer two options for a List of Phobias A to Z PDF.



Ablutophobia – Ablutophobia is the fear of showering or bathing, stinky or not some people are afraid to bathe.

Acrophobia – The fear of heights or high places. This dizzying fear can cause all kinds of problems.

Agateophobia – The excessive fear of madness or of going insane. Some people even worry they can go insane by worrying about going insane.

Agoraphobia – A fear/phobia that can make it hard to leave the house. Can be caused by the fear of open spaces or places.

AgraphobiaThe fear of sexual abuse or being sexualy abused, a very serious phobia that can impact your life. Aslo named Contreltophobia.

Algophobia – The intense fear of pain. Everyone has fear of pain, but some fear it obsessively.

Allodoxaphobia – Do you fear to excess what others think about you? You may suffer from allodoxaphobia.

Ancraophobia – The excessive fear of wind, the power of wind can cause ancraophobia.

Anatidaephobia – The Fear of Ducks, well this is not an actual phobia, a lesson to all do not believe everything you read.

Apeirophobia – The excessive fear of Infinity and endless space.

Apiphobia – What is the buzz with the fear of bees? This fear can include the fear of wasps and other flying, stinging bugs.

Aquaphobia – The extreme fear of drowning. No one wants to die by drowning but people suffering from aquaphobia have an excessive fear.

Arachnophobia – One of the most famous phobias: the fear of spiders. There was even a major motion picture made with the name arachnophobia.

Arsonphobia – It is as it sounds: the fear of fire. If you have arsonphobia, you won’t be the one setting the fire, you’ll be the one running away from it.

Asthenophobia – The fear of fainting or weakness. Asthenophobia is clinically recognized as an anxiety disorder.

Astraphobia or Astrapophobia – Fear of thunder. Can be seen not only in humans, but often in dogs. Dogs have been known to panic and get lost during thunderstorms.

Astrophobia– Fear of celestial space or stars. Can cause severe anxiety at night. Thankfully, Van Gogh was not a sufferer of this phobia.

Asymmetriphobia – The fear of asymmetry. This phobia can often be part of the manifestation of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Ataxiophobia – Fear of ataxia (muscular incoordination). This fear can lead to a paranoid obsession with any physical symptoms.

Ataxophobia – Having the fear of disorder or untidiness. Can make for a very clean house, but very little tolerance of other less hygienic individuals.

Atelophobia – A fear of imperfection. May cause one to get emotionally distraught when making a mistake. Also causes the avoidance of anything considered to have an element of risk.

Atephobia – Having a fear of ruin or ruins.

Athazagoraphobia – Fear of being forgotten or ignored. Someone who is obsessively starved for attention, may struggle with athazagoraphobia. May be the problem of being a middle child.

Atomosophobia – Fear of atomic explosions. If you are a child of the nuclear arms race generation, then you may have this phobia.

Atychiphobia– Fear of failure. This phobia could keep you from living life, taking chances, or having adventures.

Aulophobia A fear of flutes may be related to the instrument’s pitch. No orchestra time for you.

Aurophobia – Fear of gold. If you have aurophobia, you’ll have to pick one of the other precious metals.

Auroraphobia – Fear of the Northern lights. This fear will definitely keep you away from the Aurora Borealis, which many seldom have the opportunity to see in their lifetime.

Autodysomophobia – Having a fear of one with a vile odor doesn’t seem hard to imagine. When an individual’s sense of smell is offended, it can cause a great deal of stress.

Automatonophobia – Having a fear of ventriloquist dummies, animatronics creatures, wax statues—anything that falsely represents a sentient being. Is not unlike having a fear of clowns. These imaginary characters, often a ghoulish, mix fantasy with realism.

Automysophobia – Along the lines of OCD, the fear of being dirty often is accompanied by the fear of germs or contamination.

Autophobia – Having a fear of being alone or of oneself. Can often be caused by an imagined or real experience with abandonment.

Aviophobiaor Aviatophobia – This phobia, a fear of flying, is more common than one might imagine. An individual with this fear may drive to a vacation destination rather than fly.


Bacillophobia – Experiencing a fear of microbes can be aggravated by social media ‘news’ posts that are exaggerated to create interest, and for some, panic.

Bacteriophobia – If you fear bacteria, you may find yourself excessively cleaning, and meticulously inspecting your food before tasting.

Ballistophobia – This fear of missiles or bullets could be part of the PTSD experienced by those who have served in active combat situations.

Bolshephobia – A fear of Bolsheviks. Some may have been inundated with misinformation or had a singular traumatic interaction to have developed a fear of Bolsheviks.

Barophobia – If you fear gravity, perhaps you heard some scientific misinformation that gravity was somehow detrimental to you.

Basophobia or Basiphobia – Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling. This is one of only two fears which psychiatrists believe humans have from birth. It could be because of the transition from womb to free movement.

Bathmophobia – If you fear stairs or steep slopes, this is your phobia. Some who have balance problems or equilibrium issues may experience this.

Bathophobia– Fearing deep places, this phobia may have to do with the inability to know what is in the depth, fearing the unknown.

Batophobia – Quite common, the fear of being close to high buildings may be related to having balance or equilibrium problems.

Batrachophobia – People who fear amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc., are more common than you may think. People are usually more comfortable with a furry animal that is cuddly and enjoys human interaction.

Belonephobia– Having a fear of pins and needles (aichmophobia). May cause problems for medical treatments which require injections or IVs.

Bibliophobia – It’s hard to learn when you have a fear of books. A person who has this phobia would not likely be seen in a library.

Blennophobia– If you fear slime maybe you should not join the slime craze, making all kinds of creative slimes. The fear of slime is also considered a disgust phobia more than fear.

Bogyphobia – If you don’t want to look under your bed, it may be that you have a fear of the bogeyman.

Botanophobia – Hard to imagine, but some do have a fear of plants. It may be a manifestation of another phobia, fearing the plant is dangerous or dirty.

Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia – The nose knows. This fear of smells is likely a characteristic of someone who has highly sensitive olfactory lobes and a vivid imagination.

Brontophobia – If you have a fear of storms, thunder. or lightning, this is your phobia. Animals, such as canines and felines, often have this as well.

Bufonophobia – A little more specific than batrachophobia, the fear of toads may have to do with superstitions, such as catching warts or being cursed and turning into a frog.


Cacophobia – The fear of ugliness can be exacerbated by societal and peer expectations and feedback as to what constitutes being ugly.

Cainophobia or Cainotophobia – If you have the fear of newness or novelty, you may keep things well beyond their useful life or not want to try a more modern version of something.

Caligynephobia – Having a fear of beautiful women may be because you feel inadequate in your own skin or ‘out of their league.’

Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia – Many people suffer from this excessive fear of cancer. With the frequency which cancer occurs in humanity, some may feel it’s an inevitability.

Cardiophobia– Having a fear of the heart may cause a great deal of anxiety, since you can usually feel your own heart beating.

Carnophobia – May be this phobia, the fear of meat, may stem from a health phobia, or a fear of the animal from which it comes.

Catagelophobia – Another common fear, that of being ridiculed, is intensified in this age of bullying through social media.

Catapedaphobia – No taking a dare for this fear of jumping from high or low places. One phobia may be caused by another, in this case, potentially a fear of falling.

Cathisophobia – If you fear sitting, this would be your phobia. Maybe it’s a matter of feeling vulnerable if you are in a seated position.

Catoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors might develop because you have a self-confidence problem or you’ve watched too many horror movies.

Cenophobia or Centophobia – More than just being set in your ways, this is the fear of new things or ideas.

Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia – The fear of lightning often is present along with the fear of thunder. One can exacerbate the other.

Chaetophobia – The fear of hair. Having this fear could be the result of fearing personal imperfection or a hygiene issue of other’s hair.

Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia (Frigophobia) – This is a fear cold. People that cringe at the thought of going outside in winter may suffer from this phobia.

Chemophobia – Some may have this fear of chemicals or working with chemicals due to a fear of being harmed or even killed.

Cherophobia – Some might think it’s wrong to be too cheerful because they have a fear of gaiety. They may feel being too happy may set them up to be blindsided by tragedy.

Chionophobia – The fear of snow. While some may enjoy snow, others may worry about health consequences or have sensory issues that make snow feel like an irritation.

Chiraptophobia – This fear of being touched may be partly a sensory issue. Finding yourself in a crowded situation could be terrifying if you inadvertently end up touching others. Also known as haphephobia.

Chirophobia – If you fear hands, you are chirophobic. This would prohibit you from friendly greetings or touching by others.

Chiroptophobia – If you fear bats, you are not alone. These mostly harmless creatures have been villainized in movies and a general fear is held by many.

Cholerophobia – This the phobia of anyone who fears anger or the fear of cholera. This personality type might be described as timid.

Chorophobia – More than the excuse of ‘having two left feet,’ some actually have an unhealthy fear of dancing.

Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia – Hard to imagine, but this is the fear of money—or more likely, the fear of being without money.

Chromophobia or Chromatophobia – A world of black and white would be less threatening for this phobia, the fear of colors.

Chronophobia – You may fear time, maybe because it seems to be passing too quickly or too slowly.

Chronomentrophobia – When you fear clocks, you may be upset by the sound. The ticking or chimes may be too loud, or perhaps the movements signal the passing of time.

Cibophobia – This fear of food (sitophobia, sitiophobia), can be the cause of unhealthy and harmful eating disorders.

Claustrophobia – A very common fear, being scared of confined spaces can hinder getting medical diagnostic testing, getting in elevators, or on airplanes.

Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia – This fear of being locked in an enclosed place may stem from a prior experience or trauma.

Cleptophobia – The fear of stealing. Those who live in crime-ridden areas may develop this particular phobia.

Climacophobia – Having a fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling down stairs might be your phobia. For those who feel unsteady or somewhat weak, it may translate to a fear of falling.

Clinophobia – Fearing the act of going to bed. Some children might use this excuse to stay up longer, while a few experience all kinds of anxiety and are truly phobic.

Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia – This fear of being enclosed would mean that fences and barriers are going to cause significant stress for you.

Cnidophobia – Those who fear stings typically fear the source of stings, such as bees and wasps.

Cometophobia – A cosmic phobia, this is the fear of comets. Maybe the fear is that there will be a renegade asteroid hurling itself toward Earth.

Coimetrophobia – Not uncommon, this fear of cemeteries comes from the curiosity and fear that people have concerning death.

Coitophobia – If you fear coitus, you may be coitophobic. This fear may come from unhealthy experiences or lack of education. Also known as genophobia.

Contreltophobia – This means having a fear of sexual abuse. There is certainly enough reports of criminal assault to make one wary of being a victim. It may also develop as a result of trauma, also named Agraphobia.

Coprastasophobia – It’s not something openly discussed, but this is a fear of constipation. It could be a worry that it is a sign of a more serious health problem.

Coprophobia – This fear of feces is understandable. From a young age, we are taught that proper hygiene includes never touching fecal material (poop).

Consecotaleophobia – This means that you possess a fear of chopsticks. Who knows how this fear develops, but authentic Asian restaurants are not for you.

Coulrophobia – The fear of clowns is a very common phobia. These masqueraders with exaggerated features tend to violate your personal space. This fear is understandable.

Counterphobia – Hard to comprehend, this is the preference by a phobic for fearful situations. They seek out the very things of which they are afraid.

Cremnophobia – A fear of precipices. This could be accompanied by other phobias such as fear of heights and fear of falling.

Cryophobia – A fear of extreme cold, ice, or frost. You would not enjoy the winter season.

Crystallophobia – If you fear crystals or glass, you are a crystallophobic. You may not find diamonds or brilliant stones beautiful, but more likely, alarming.

Cyberphobia – This fear of computers or working on computers is becoming more prevalent. The reliance on technology for work, play, and communication can cause stress when something malfunctions.

Cyclophobia – You may possess this fear if you have a phobia of bicycles. The balance required, potential for falling, the need to stay free of the chain, and knowing how to stop safely can cause stress and even panic in some.

Cymophobia or Kymophobia – Oceans and furrowing flags may aggravate this fear of waves or wavelike motions. Some get motion sickness just watching this type of movement.

Cynophobia – Cynophobia means you have an unnatural fear of dogs or rabies. It may stem from an overly fearful parent or experiencing a canine bite.

Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia – The fear of prostitutes or contracting a venereal disease. One can appreciate how those two aspects of the fear may be related.



Decidophobia – Means you fear making decisions. A decidophobic may get paralyzed by struggling over a commonplace decision.

Defecaloesiophobia – This fear of having painful bowel movements could stem from a low pain tolerance or a perseverating on the possibility.

Deipnophobia – A fear of dining or dinner conversations is the phobia of an introverted personality. The requirement for spontaneous communication could be agonizing.

Dementophobia – A fear of insanity may develop when pushed mentally to the top of what we feel we can handle.

Demonophobia or Daemonophobia – If you fear demons, this is your phobia. Issues regarding the spirit world and understanding it often bring some type of fearful moments.

Demophobia –  (also named Enochlophobia) Some might think that this fear of crowds is perfectly normal since some people just prefer to be in a small group or alone.

Dentophobia – Another common phobia, the fear of dentists. Previously, children experienced this more than adults, but the advent of pediatric dentistry has greatly reduced the prevalence of dentophobia in children.

Dermatophobia, Dermatosiophobia, Dermatopathophobia – If you fear skin lesions or skin disease, you are a dermatophobe. This fear involves fearing the health implications of the skin irregularities.

Dextrophobia – A locational fear of objects at the right side of the body. It could have a similar origin to those that fear asymmetry.

Diabetophobia – If you’re a bit of a hypochondriac, you may experience this fear of diabetes.

Didaskaleinophobia – You fear going to school if you’re battling this phobia. More than just the typical childhood avoidance, a fear such as this might indicate a number of issues.

Dikephobia – Fearing justice. Living with this phobia would give one the feeling that something is going to catch up with them and they’ll be subject to consequences.

Dinophobia – Experiencing the fear of dizziness or whirlpools. It is a movement phobia so one wonders if balance and our equilibrium issues are contributing factors.

Diplophobia – Describes the fear of double vision. Many people have some type of fear relating to the deterioration of their sight.

Dipsophobia – This fear of drinking may have to do with the fear of overdoing and the unpredictable result.

Dishabiliophobia – Fear of undressing in front of someone else is really an extreme version of modesty and being evaluated.

Disposophobia Fear of throwing out items. Commonly known as hoarding, it is very common among the elderly.

Domatophobia – A fear of houses or being in a house. Eicophobia or oikophobia could also be variations.

Doraphobia – This fear of fur or skins of animals may indicate an extremely squeamish individual.

Doxophobia – If you fear the expression of opinions or resist receiving praise, it is doxophobia. One avoids the discussion of opinions which often lead to disagreements and arguments.

Dromophobia – It might be an extreme safety concern, this fear of crossing streets. A person may take the long way when walking to avoid crossings.

Dutchphobia – A fear of the Dutch. Phobias relating to a particular group often come from prejudices engrained when in childhood.

Dysmorphophobia – Having a fear of deformity or disfigurement. One worries about having their body becoming a source of embarrassment.

Dystychiphobia – To fear accidents. Individuals who fear accidents often have a sense of being cursed or fear injury.


Ecclesiophobia – Possessing a fear of going to church. When dealing with spiritual issues, people often fear the potential for sensing guilt or requiring life change.

Ecophobia – If you fear home, you’d be an ecophobe. Perhaps the sense of aloneness or confinement for some causes this fear.

Eicophobia – Should you fear your home surroundings, this is your phobia. While the actual building itself may not be a problem, the environment and perhaps other residents are. (Domatophobia, oikophobia).

Eisoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors or one’s image in a mirror. An individual may avert their glance or avoid walking past a mirror completely.

Electrophobia – Fear of electricity. Not using electrically powered devices or lights would be an expression of this phobia.

Eleutherophobia – To hold the fear of freedom does not seem reasonable at all. However, some find comfort in structure and being subordinate to someone else’s decision-making.

Elurophobia-Ailurophobia – To harbor a fear of cats. As with a fear of any animal, this may originate from misinformation or a bad experience. (Ailurophobia)

Emetophobia – The fear of vomiting occurs when someone gets repulsed by their own sickness and all that goes with it.

Enetophobia – An extreme pain aversion, the fear of pins or getting poked by them, is not uncommon.

Engulfment (Fear of) – The deep fear that a relationship will take you over, you will lose yourself, or you’ll be controlled.

Enochlophobia – This, as with agoraphobia, is the fear of crowds. A congested, chaotic environment is always avoided.

Enosiophobia or Enissophobia – Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.

Entomophobia – Most people who fear getting bug bites harbor this fear of insects. The basis of the fear is some kind of bite-related reaction.

Eosophobia – A fear of sunrise or the light of day. A vampire would be said to have eosophobia.

Ephebiphobia – With this phobia, one experiences a fear of teenagers.

Epistaxiophobia – Fearing nosebleeds. Any condition that results in visible blood loss often causes extreme fear.

Epistemophobia – When one fears knowledge. While knowledge is power for many, knowledge is an unbearable burden for some.

Equinophobia – Possessing a fear of horses. The size and power of equines is overwhelming for those with this phobia.

Eremophobia – To fear being by one’s self or a fear of loneliness. Abandonment issues, either real or imagined, contribute heavily to this fear.

Ereuthrophobia – Possessing a fear of blushing. This phobia is a fear of giving an indication of being embarrassed.

Ergasiophobia – Includes the fear of work/functioning or a surgeon’s fear of operating. It is an extreme form of performance anxiety for high pressure situations.

Ergophobia – Having a great fear of work, perhaps due to issues at work that cause anxiety.

Erotophobia – A condition characterized by fear of sexual love and/or sexual questions. A fear of the topic in general.

Escalaphobia – Kids love to ride them up and down at the mall, but some people are very scared of Escalators.

Euphobia – To have extreme angst when hearing good news. This may indicate a pessimist who is conflicted with good news.

Eurotophobia – Another of the sex-based fears, this phobia is regarding the female genitalia.

Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia – This fear is more about the color red and what it represents. Included in the phobia with the color red itself, are red lights and blushing.


Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia – The fear of running a fever. Some people fear a fever and are frequently taking their own temperature.

Felinophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia – A fear of cats. As with a fear of any animal, this may originate from misinformation or a bad experience.

Feretrophobia – A fear of coffins or caskets, opened or closed the fear is real.

FOMO (Fear of missing out) – this is not quite a phobia but still a very disruptive fear that can take away your time and give you serious anxiety.

Frigophobia – Fear of cold or cold things. People that cringe at the thought of going outside in winter may suffer from this phobia. (Cheimaphobia, cheimatophobia, psychrophobia)


Galeophobia or Gatophobia – Fear of cats. As with a fear of any animal, this may originate from misinformation or a bad experience.

Gallophobia or Galiophobia – Fear of France or French culture. Ethnic phobias are common and also based on the misinformation of an acquaintance. (Francophobia)

Gamophobia, fear of marriage It’s likely that this phobia is also partnered with a fear of commitment.

Geliophobia – It’s amazing to think this is a fear of hearing laughter. Fear of hearing laughter may be caused by assuming the malicious intent of the laughter or the irritating pitch of the laughing person’s voice.

Gelotophobia – Fear of being laughed at is related to fears dealing with a lack of self-confidence.

Geniophobia – This phobia has to do with the fear of chins. Obsessions with body parts can often lead to an irrational fear of them.

Genophobia – Having a fear of sex could result from unrealistic or hurtful portrayal of sex in media.

Genuphobia – Another phobia relating to a body part, this is the fear of knees. While we consider knees an indispensable body part, some may fixate on them to point of finding something of which to be fearful.

Gephyrophobia – Not uncommon, this is the fear of crossing bridges. Depending on the height of the bridge, this may have to do with other phobias, such as fear of heights or fear of falling.

Germanophobia – A phobia based on a particular group, germanophobia is the fear of Germany or German culture.

Germaphobia – Are you terrified at the thought of germs? Germs and microbes are a part of living, but you can work hard and overcome this fear.

Gerascophobia – Often manifesting itself in midlife is the fear of growing old. It is typically accompanied by some type of regret.

Gerontophobia – This fear of the aged or of growing old is a variation and maybe another form of fearing one’s own aging.

Geumaphobia or Geumophobia – While people love to eat, some are hindered by this fear of taste.

Glossophobia – Considered by some to be one of the top fears, glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.

Globophobia – The fear of Balloons, large or small, may stem from the thought of balloons popping, which can be scary.

Gnosiophobia – The fear of knowledge. The includes being frightened by what you know or may learn.

Graphophobia – To fear writing or handwriting. A phobia of the written word on paper.

Gymnophobia – A basic fear for many is nudity. Many adults have experienced the classic nightmare of being caught in a public place with no clothes on. Psychologists have many interpretations of such a dream.

Gynephobia or Gynophobia – A fear of women is most often in men. Rather than be attracted to an ‘opposite’, they are confused and frightened by them.


Hadephobia – The fear of hell. Often, this fear is really the fear of ending up in hell. Anything that we can not see nor have knowledge of intimidates us.

Hagiophobia – This fear of saints or holy things is probably accompanied by other fears having to do with our faith or sense of what we believe.

Hamartophobia – A somewhat common fear, the phobia of sinning is held by believers that there is such a thing as right and wrong and they feel somewhat powerless to keep from doing the wrong.

Haphephobia or Haptephobia – This is a fear of being touched and may indicate a fear of a possible contagion or contamination.

Harpaxophobia – Many would admit to the fear of being robbed, especially if they themselves or someone they know has been robbed.

Hedonophobia – You’ve heard it said of some that ‘they just won’t let themselves be happy.’ That’s the fear of feeling pleasure.

Heliophobia – Whether for health reasons or a cosmic sense of impending doom, many humans fear the sun. A another name or very similar phobia is Eosophobia which is also the fear of the sun, sunlight, sunrise or light of day.

Hellenologophobia – A fear of Greek or complex scientific terminology, you would not enjoy a taxonomy class or a Greek tragedy.

Helminthphobia – A fear of being worm-infested. It may be derived from an overactive and somewhat paranoid imagination.

Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia – A fear of the sight of blood can be severe enough to cause an individual to pass out.

Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia – Not too many enjoy having their beliefs or personal philosophy challenged. That is especially true of those with this fear of challenges or radical deviation to official doctrine.

Herpetophobia – An extremely common fear of reptiles or crawling things. Many will say they do not like spiders and snakes in particular.

Heterophobia – To fear the opposite sex. May be the sign of a traumatic event or the result of being raised in a largely singular-gender environment. (Sexophobia)

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia  – This fear of the number 666 originates from the Bible, where it is referred to as the sign of the Beast and a prelude to the Great Tribulation.

Hierophobia – Possibly linked to a fear of sinning, the fear of priests or sacred things could result when feeling ‘unworthy’ to be in their presence.

Hippophobia – Fear of horses. The size and power of equines is overwhelming for those with this phobia.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – The unusual fear of long words may be more due to annoyance and confusion. We often fear what we do not understand.

Hobophobia – The fear of bums or beggars may originate from two very different schools of thought: we fear what we could become, or we fear something that we believe has the potential to harm us.

Hodophobia – The fear of travel by road is a bit of the opposite of the fear of flying.

Hormephobia – If you have ever heard the expression, ‘scared to death,’ you’ll better understand this fear of shock. Incidences of death when exposed to extreme stress or shock are well documented.

Homichlophobia – Blame horror movies for this one. The fear of fog is a variation on the fear of the unknown, because we don’t know what lies within or beyond the fog.

Homilophobia – A fear of sermons may be an indication that we feel we are about to be morally judged.

Hominophobia – It is common for women to possess this fear of men. Men tend to have more physical, aggressive tendencies, often intimidating to women.

Homophobia – This fear has more than one facet: fear of sameness or monotony; phobia of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.

Hoplophobia – A person with this fear of firearms may fear being shot or accidentally shooting someone themselves.

Hydrargyophobia – If you fear mercurial medicines, this is your phobia. The plethora of information we receive on the harmful effects of mercurial medicine has certainly contributed to this fear.

Hydrophobia – When one experiences this fear of water, it is often the perceived potential for drowning that is the source of anxiety. Another definition of hydrophobia is the fear of rabies.

Hydrophobophobia – Not surprising is this fear of rabies. One conjures up images of a horrible, painful crazed fit of death.

Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia – A fear of glass. Could it be the transparency of glass or the potential for breakage and subsequent dangerous shards is at the core of this phobia?

Hygrophobia – To hold a fear of moisture, liquids, and/or dampness.

Hylephobia – This fear can be characterized in two very divergent phobias. One of materialism and the other, the fear of epilepsy.

Hylophobia – While many of us find respite on a wooded pathway, others manifest this fear of forests.

Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia – Possessing this fear of responsibility means a dread of personal accountability.

Hypnophobia – A good number of people would admit to a fear of sleep or of being hypnotized, a sense of relinquishing conscious control of one’s body.

Hypsiphobia – Common to many of us, is the fear of height. Especially if we are uncoordinated or have equilibrium problems, we perseverate on the potential for falling.


Iatrophobia – Having this fear of physicians or visiting physicians is very prevalent, because we fear the possibility of them sharing concerning health diagnoses or of submitting us to a painful procedure.

Ichthyophobia – Those who fear fish likely fear other creatures that live in very different environments and are not ‘cuddly’ or approachable.

Ideophobia – To hold this fear of ideas, one would likely fear the potential for change that accompanies ideas.

Illyngophobia – Fearing vertigo or the feeling of dizziness are manifestations of this phobia.

Iophobia – Those with more than a healthy dose of paranoia may suffer from this fear of poison.

Insectophobia – To fear insects is not uncommon, considering the potential for bites or stings.

Isolophobia – Fear of isolation, solitude, or being alone can be very real for individuals and create mental instability.

Isopterophobia – Another of the bug phobias, this fear of termites extends to the fear of what they may do to your home.


Japanophobia – To fear people and culture of a Japanese origin. This may be due to some preconceived notions and prejudice.

Judeophobia – The fear of Jews. Many believe it was an irrational phobia such as this that drove Hitler’s madness.

Jumaphobia – The fear of zippers is a rare phobia but can cause serious issues for some.


Kainolophobia or Kainophobia – Fearing the new or novel is often expressed as an extreme resistance to change.

Kakorrhaphiophobia – Because social media allows for the rapid and broad dissemination of information and events, this fear of failure or defeat is heightened in many who are already risk averse.

Katagelophobia – The anti-bullying phobia, the fear of ridicule and ebarrassment is present in some degree in almost everyone.

Kathisophobia – Do you fear sitting down? This is your phobia. Maybe it’s a matter of feeling vulnerable if you are in a seated position.

Katsaridaphobia – Many exhibit this fear of cockroaches. They are associated with a poor quality living condition.

Kenophobia – The fear of voids or empty spaces. From the black holes in space to any empty room, both of these can cause angst for someone with this phobia.

Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia – If you have a fear of storms, thunder, and lightning, this is your phobia. Animals, such as canines and felines exhibit this phobia as well. (Astraphobia, astrapophobia)

Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia – Several other phobias have to do with some type of this general fear of movement or motion.

Kleptophobia – People who have trouble dealing with temptation or response to crises may display this fear of stealing.

Koinoniphobia – The fear of rooms. Perhaps it is the confinement or fear of getting lost, or the need for the sameness of a single room that drives this fear.

Kolpophobia – The fear of genitals, particularly female. It may have its roots in our attempts to suppress discussions and education about this part of the human body.

Kopophobia – To have an extreme fear of fatigue. May relate to a fear of the cause of fatigue or all that may be left undone.

Koniophobia – If you fear dust, you may be concerned about suffocation.

Kosmikophobia – Driven by portrayals of astronomical threats from the heavens, this fear of cosmic phenomenon exists in many who fear apocalyptic events.

Koumpounophobia – Yes, the fear of buttons is an actual phobia. It’s not a joke to those who suffer from it.

Kymophobia – Oceans and furrowing flags may aggravate this fear of waves or wave-like motions. Some get motion sickness just watching this type of movement. (Cymophobia)

Kynophobia – Not surprising is this fear of rabies. One conjures up images of a painful, crazed fit of death.

Kyphophobia – The phobia of stooping. As with the fear of sitting, one may feel vulnerable or unstable when stooping.


Lachanophobia – This fear of vegetables may be just an excuse for many children, but a bonafide fear in others.

Laliophobia or Lalophobia – One of the greatest fears of humanity is that of public speaking. It would follow that some have an overall fear of speaking.

Lepidopterophobia Know as the intense fear of butterflies, these beautiful flying creatures do scare some people.

Leprophobia or Lepraphobia – Know as a biblical disease that was isolating, disfiguring, and terminal, leprosy is still feared, especially in countries still encountering the disease.

Leukophobia – A fear of the color white. Colors conjure up various imagery and triggers from events in our past. It can create an unnatural fear of that color because of what it calls to mind.

Levophobia – Having a fear of things to the left side of the body. The left direction has historically been associated with being cursed or evil.

Ligyrophobi – This fear of loud noises, along with the fear of falling, are the two fears that science says we are born with.

Lilapsophobia – If you fear tornadoes and hurricanes, you are not alone. Many who live in geographic weather belts where these natural threats occur frequently experience this phobia.

Limnophobia – The fear of lakes may be an extension of the fear of drowning.

Linonophobia – Those who fear string suffer from this phobia. Perhaps it is rooted in the fear of strangulation.

Liticaphobia – Not surprising, this is the fear of lawsuits. Lawyers are advertising the opportunity to sue someone or some business entity and promise lucrative potential for winning the litigation. Some may fear being the object of that litigation.

Lockiophobia – A fear of childbirth. Candid documentaries and portrayals of the pain and trauma of childbirth can cause fear in many people.

Logizomechanophobia – A growing phobia is the fear of computers. As they become more and more a necessary part of our lives, reliance on technology for work, play, and communication can cause stress when something malfunctions.

Logophobia – Those who exhibit a fear of words may struggle with their own verbal expression or recognize the ability of the ‘wrong words’ to create a lot of conflict.

Luiphobia – Pandemic and regional epidemics fuel this fear of flus and other communicable diseases, such as syphilis.

Lutraphobia – It’s hard to understand anyone carrying this fear of otters. Perhaps it originates in some trauma or an ‘otter-body’ experience.

Lygophobia – This fear of darkness may really be a manifestation of the fear of the unknown or the association of darkness with evil or danger.

Lyssophobia – A fear of rabies. (Kynophobia)


Macrophobia – The fear of long waits may actually be the transformation of severe frustration into a fear.

Mageirocophobia – While some may call it avoidance of responsibility, the fear of cooking is a real phobia for some. Perhaps it’s the fear of getting burned in the preparation process or potentially poisoning their guests that drives this phobia.

Maieusiophobia – An understandable fear of childbirth. Candid documentaries and portrayals of the pain and trauma of childbirth can cause fear in most people. (Lockiphobia)

Malaxophobia – This fear of love-play may actually be a fear of where the love-play is leading. (Sarmassophobia)

Maniaphobia – This is a largely unspoken fear of insanity. Society is working to dispel the stigma of revealing and treating mental illness.

Mastigophobia – To possess a fear of punishment. Those who’ve committed or perceive they’ve committed wrongs may live with a growing fear of the consequences.

Mastrophobia – The fear of Breast is a rare body phobia, this excessive fear may have several potential causes mostly coming at an early age.

Medomalacuphobia – This fear of losing an erection has been very lucrative for certain pharmaceutical companies.

Medorthophobia – Those that struggle with sexual inadequacy may have this fear of an erect penis.

Megalophobia – Many people, especially those of smaller stature, exhibit fear of large things.

Melissophobia – A fear of bees is based largely on a fear of the potential to be stung. Extreme versions of this phobia fear all flying insects considering  they may all be bees.

Melanophobia – Those that fear the color black may have had prior bad experiences with something of that color. Additionally, black often represents evil or something bad.

Melophobia – While music may ‘calm the savage beast’ in many of us; for melophobes it stimulates fear or hatred and creates negative imagery.

Meningitophobia – With too much access to partial medical information, many individuals attempt to diagnose their malady. In this case they fear brain disease.

Menophobia – Females in general dread the burden of menstruation, but women with phobia actually fear it.

Merinthophobia – Anything that causes restraint or restriction can create stress, as the case of this fear of being bound or tied up.

Metallophobia – Different materials, either by their physical properties or something they represent can lead to phobias, such as this, the fear of metal.

Metathesiophobia – The fear of change. Those who struggle with this phobia may see themselves as unwilling or unable to adapt to or deal with change.

Meteorophobia – Another in the phobias of cosmic proportions, this a fear of meteors.

Methyphobia – If you fear alcohol, you may fear that you’ll lose control while drinking, and wonder the next morning what you may have done.

Metrophobia – The fear or hatred of poetry could certainly be the by-product for some of a high school or college literature class.

Microbiophobia, Bacillophobia – A fear of microbes can really be aggravated by too many social media ‘news’ posts that are exaggerated to create interest, and for some, panic.

Microphobia – The fear of small things, because they are hard to see, is much like fearing the unknown.

Misophobia, Mysophobia, Mnemophobia – Especially for those with a lot of trauma in their past, the fear of memories can be crippling.

Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia – To fear dirt contamination. As more outbreaks occur, people fear contamination with dirt or germs.

Monophobia – Fear of isolation, solitude, or being alone can be very real for individuals and create mental instability. The

Motorphobia – A fear of automobiles may result from surviving an accident, always using public transportation, or an unfamiliarity with the technology.

Mottephobia – Another on the bug phobia list, this is a fear of moths.

Musophobia or Muriphobia – Even mighty elephants can have this fear of mice. Those beady eyes and ability to navigate small spaces does not endear them to us.

Mycophobia – Perhaps a concern of being poisoned or because they are a fungus partially explains this fear or aversion to mushrooms.

Mycrophobia – Fear of very small things, things that are hard to see. Much like fearing the unknown.

Myctophobia – This fear of darkness may really be a manifestation of the fear of the unknown or the association of darkness with evil or danger.

Myrmecophobia – Fear of ants.

Mythophobia – Having a fear of myths, stories, or false statements is an extreme version of just needing to find comfort in the truth.

Myxophobia – If you fear slime, maybe you watched the old movie, The Blob. It could also be that the texture reminds you of disgusting or unsanitary things. (Blennophobia)


Nebulaphobia – The fear of fog is a variation on the fear of the unknown, because we don’t know what lies within or beyond the fog. (Homichlophobia)

Necrophobia – Much like funerals, this fear of death or dead things becomes a reminder of our own mortality.

Nelophobia – To posses a fear of glass. Could it be the way the transparency of glass or the potential for breakage and subsequent dangerous shards is at the core of this phobia?

Neopharmaphobia – If you fear new drugs, you just may have a healthy paranoia.

Neophobia – The fear of anything new is often seen in the very old or very young.

Nephophobia – Perhaps this fear of clouds is rooted in the belief that clouds are just a storm waiting to happen.

Noctiphobia – A fear of nighttime, could be a combination of fears including darkness and isolation.

Nomatophobia – Since many fears have triggers, a fear of names may relate to a prior negative experience.

Nosocomephobia – Many have fears relating to hospitals. Except for childbirth, the reasons for going to the hospital is to correct something that is wrong.

Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia – The fear of definite disease can manifest in an individual when they’ve had a family member contract a disease or they learn its in their family history.

Nostophobia – A person may exhibit this fear of returning home if memories of home recall sadness or trauma.

Novercaphobia – A fear of your step-mother is encouraged by all the evil portrayals in film and literature.

Nucleomituphobia –  The fear of nuclear weapons has been around since the Cold War. The potential for annihilation of humanity haunts many people.

Nudophobia – Many fear nudity both of themselves and others, perhaps judging themselves against others.

Numerophobia – Many will tell you they hated math in school. The anxiety associated with learning math concepts may have resulted in a fear of numbers.

Nyctohylophobia – The fear of dark wooded areas or nighttime in forests is the combination of two phobias: fearing trees and darkness.

Nyctophobia – This fear of darkness may really be a manifestation of the fear of the unknown or the association of darkness with evil or danger.


Obesophobia – Societal obsession with thin, athletic bodies has created the fear of gaining weight. Generally occurs in individuals of a larger body type, or thin individuals who have a distorted body image. (Pocrescophobia)

Ochlophobia – This, as in agoraphobia, is the fear of crowds. A congested, chaotic environment is always avoided. Also named Enochlophobia.

Ochophobia – A fear of vehicles may result from surviving an accident, always using public transportation, or an unfamiliarity with the technology.

Octophobia – A very specific fear of the figure eight. This phobia likely relates to a prior event in the person’s life.

Odontophobia – Many people report having the dream of their teeth falling out . This fear of teeth or dental surgery is a common one.

Odynophobia or Odynephobia – None of us like pain. With an obsessive fear of pain, one may avoid many activities to reduce any potential chance of injury, diminishing their quality of life. (Algophobia)

Oenophobia – Not sure why, but there are those who fear wines. Maybe they have a Port paranoia.

Oikophobia – Though we often feel there’s no place like home, some fear their home surroundings and house. (Domatophobia, eicophobia)

Olfactophobia – Fear of smells is likely a characteristic of someone who has highly sensitive olfactory lobes and a vivid imagination.

Ombrophobia – Some individuals who experience this fear of rain or of being rained on may fear that there is something unhealthy in the precipitation.

Ommetaphobia or ommatophobia – The intense and excessive fear of eyes or of eyes looking at you. Other similars fears are scoptophobia or scopophobia.

Omphalophobia – Those who have this fear of belly buttons may be concerned about deformity or hygiene.

Oneirophobia – Many have some fear of dreams, believing them to be prophetic about future events.

Oneirogmophobia – This fear of wet dreams may relate to the potential for embarrassment and judgment.

Onomatophobia – Knowing that our brain associates images with words, the fear of hearing a certain word or of names is really the fear of what it represents.

Ophidiophobia – An extremely common fear is that of snakes. Since biblical times, the serpent has been viewed as evil. (Snakephobia)

Ophthalmophobia – People with low self-esteem or poor body image often have a fear of being stared at.

Opiophobia – A newly recognized phobia of physicians’ competency in prescribing pain medication.

Optophobia – Having a fear of opening one’s eyes may be an attempt to shut out an undesirable reality.

Ornithophobia – A classic fear of birds, certainly not helped by horror movies.

Orthophobia – If you’re phobic about the land you’re on, you likely have a fear of property.

Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia – Fear of smells is likely a characteristic of someone who has highly sensitive olfactory lobes and a vivid imagination.

Ostraconophobia – A fear of shellfish is often a fear of the possibility of sickness from eating shellfish.

Ovophobia – The fear of eggs is a rare phobia, if you work at it you can crack this fear wide open.

Ouranophobia or Uranophobia – It may seem odd to fear heaven, but for skeptics they may be worried it won’t live up to their expectations.


Pagophobia – The fear of extreme cold, ice, or frost. You would not enjoy the winter season.

Panthophobia – To fear suffering or disease simply means you have an extreme aversion to pain.

Panophobia or Pantophobia – Fear of everything is a classic and extreme case of paranoia.

Papaphobia – If you fear the Pope, you are papaphobic. In Catholic doctrine, he has extreme power and can pass judgment on life matters.

Papyrophobia – If you’re afraid of paper products, life is going to be hard.

Paralipophobia – This is a fear of neglecting duty or responsibility, a feeling of not being dependable to others

Paraphobia – Some who are morally weak may fear being corrupted by sexual perversion.

Parasitophobia – The sensation of an itchy rash can feel like torture, so the fear of parasites is understandable.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia – Rooted in multiple historical superstitions, some let their fear of Friday the 13th, immobilize them for the day.

Parthenophobia – A quirky fear of virgins or young girls is likely rooted in the belief that their purity comes with power.

Pathophobia – Hypochondriacs have a crippling fear of disease.

Patroiophobia – If families have some genetics that are prone to serious conditions, one may experience a fear of heredity.

Parturiphobia – Candid documentaries and portrayals of the pain and trauma of childbirth can cause fear in most people.

Peccatophobia – Candid documentaries and portrayals of the pain and trauma of childbirth can cause fear in most people.

Pediculophobia – A fear of extreme cold, ice, or frost. You would not enjoy the winter season.

Pediophobia – If you fear dolls, perhaps you have imagined them to be a little more ‘alive’ than they are.

Pedophobia – A fear of children may be a blend of several fears: noise, germs, or failure.

Peladophobia – Some people with a fear of bald people see them portrayed as villains.

Pellagrophobia – A fear of pellagra is the fear of a rare B vitamin deficiency.

Peniaphobia – Many of us may have financial concerns, but some fear poverty even when their finances are stable.

Pentheraphobia – A extreme reaction to a classic stereotype is the fear of mother-in-laws. (Novercaphobia)

Phagophobia – If you fear swallowing, or eating, or being eaten, it could most likely be a fear of choking.

Phalacrophobia – Vain individuals assume loss of all kinds of opportunity when losing their hair. The fear of becoming bald is overwhelming for some and they try lots of remedies.

Phallophobia – Individuals that have issues with human anatomy may suffer from this fear of a penis, esp. erect.

Pharmacophobia – Some fear taking medicine with the belief that it has horrible side effects.

Phasmophobia A fear of ghosts is not uncommon—if you believe in them, of course.

Phengophobia – A fear of the light of day. A vampire would be said to have eosophobia.

Philemaphobia or Philematophobia – This is the fear of kissing, or more commonly, the fear of getting cooties.

Philophobia – People have this fear of falling in love or being in love because love can hurt or break a heart.

Philosophobia – Some fear philosophy because it may challenge them too much intellectually.

Phobophobia – Fear of phobias. It stinks to be afraid of being afraid.

Photoaugliaphobia – What might first be an annoyance, can turn into a fear of glaring lights.

Photophobia – Those who have eye issues or like seclusion may have some fears about light.

Phonophobia – Fear of noises, or of voices, or of one’s own voice. Fear of telephones.

Phronemophobia – For some, the fear of thinking causes them to work too much, play too much, or drink too much.

Phthiriophobia – The fear of extreme cold, ice, or frost. You would not enjoy the winter season. (Pediculophobia)

Phthisiophobia – Fear of tuberculosis. This fear speaks for itself.

Pittakionophobia – Fear of sticky notes or labels, strange but real.

Placophobia – A fear of tombstones relates to the body entombed within it.

Plutophobia – Some fear wealth because of the management and skill involved in managing it.

Pluviophobia – If you fear rain or being rained on, you might believe that something in the rain will harm you.

Pneumatiphobia – If you believe in the supernatural, you may fear spirits.

Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia – Fear of choking or being smothered is one way people view as a horrible way to die.

Pocrescophobia – Propaganda and unrealistic body expectations can lead to an unhealthy fear of gaining weight. (Obesophobia)

Podophobia – The excessive fear of feet seems a bit strange considering we all have feet, but some are paralyzed with fear of others feet.

Pogonophobia – People fear men with beards, because part of their identity is hidden.

Poliosophobia – If you fear contracting poliomyelitis, this is your phobia. You may also be a hypochondriac.

Politicophobia – Society has shifted so much so that this phobia is considered normal. This is a fear of or abnormal dislike for politicians.

Polyphobia – Basically afraid of being afraid.

Poinephobia – To possess a fear of punishment. Those who’ve committed or perceive they’ve committed wrongs may live with a growing fear of the consequences.

Ponophobia – The fear of overworking may be a fear of missing out on fun or a fear of damaging your health.

Porphyrophobia – Purple is a trigger color for you if you a have a fear of this color.

Portaphobia – Or Paruresis Is the extreme fear or disgust of port-a-potty’s or outhouses, this can be a very inconvenient phobia and scary .

Potamophobia – Fear of rivers or running water may translate into a fear of drowning.

Potophobia – If you fear alcohol, you may fear that you’ll lose control while drinking and wonder the next morning what you may have done.

Proctophobia – If rectums are a source of fear, you have proctophobia.

Prosophobia – Some fear progress because they feel they are raising the bar on themselves.

Psellismophobia – If you have a speech impediment, you may fear stuttering and being subject to ridicule.

Psychophobia – Fear of your mind might be you questioning your own mental health.

Psychrophobia – If you fear the cold, you most likely are worried about freezing to death.

Pteromerhanophobia – Many are afraid of flying because they are also afraid of heights.

Pteronophobia – Some fear being tickled by feathers, since it can be considered a form of torture.

PupaphobiaFear of puppets is much like the fear of clowns.

Pyrexiophobia – A fear of fever is another symptom of a hypochondriac.

Pyrophobia – The fear of fire or of burning to death are the greatest fears of many.


Quadraphobia – This fear is simply an irrational angst over the number four.

Quadriplegiphobia – Fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic.

Queunliskanphobia – The intense fear of saliva-spit or spitting.

Quintaphobia – Another numerical fear: the fear of the number five.


Radiophobia – This is a very real fear of many who fear the effects of radiation and x-rays.

Ranidaphobia – Fear of frogs is related to their relative stillness and unpredictable hopping.

Rectophobia – No buts about it, fear of rectum or rectal diseases is an unusual one.

Rhabdophobia – Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic because of the wand often used in the performance of magic.

Rhypophobia – While it seems strange to fear defecation, some worry about what is lost in their bodily excretions.

Rhytiphobia – Fear of getting wrinkles translates into fear of getting old.

Rophobia – This is a fear of trees. Walking in forests, wooded parks, standing near a tree in the yard would all be off limits for people suffering from this phobia.

Rupophobia – If you fear even dirt, you are likely a germophobe, too.

Russophobia Fear of Russians is another xenophobic condition.


Samhainophobia –  This is a fear of Halloween, which is understandable considering the creepy things that people do to celebrate.

Sanguivoriphobia – This fear of Vampires, I want to Drink your Blood

Sarmassophobia – This fear of love-play may actually be a fear of where the love-play is leading. (Malaxophobia)

Satanophobia – The fear of Satan is held by many with a background in the Christian or Jewish faith.

Scabiophobia – Though it’s not a common disease, if you’re paranoid you’ll fear scabies.

Scatophobia – We fear fecal matter because it is waste and has potential for disease.

Scelerophibia – Fear of bad men, burglars. Many would admit to this fear, especially if they’ve had experiences with it.

Sciophobia or Sciaphobia – To fear shadows is to fear the unknown.

Scoleciphobia – The fear of worms probably relates to their similarity to snakes.

Scolionophobia – If a student fears school, they may feel unable to meet the expectations, also named didaskaleinophobia .

Scopophobia or Scoptophobia – Fear of being seen or stared at. People with low self-esteem or poor body image often have a fear of being stared at.

Scotomaphobia – Fear of blindness is one that many people suffer with. It is by far our most used sense.

Scotophobia – This fear of darkness may really be a manifestation of the fear of the unknown or the association of darkness with evil or danger. (Achluophobia)

Sedatephobia – The sound of silence give some people an excessive fear or sedatephobia.

Selachophobia – The fear of sharks is warranted unless you are nowhere around them also named Galeophobia.

Selaphobia – If you fear light flashes, you may have extra sensitivity to light.

Selenophobia – As with other planetary paranoia, a fear of the moon is a fear of the unknown.

Seplophobia – A fear of decaying matter may be intensified by the putrid odor.

Sesquipedalophobia – The unusual fear of long words may be more due to annoyance and confusion. We often fear what we do not understand.

Sexophobia – Fearing the opposite gender. Sexophobia may be the sign of a traumatic event or the result of being raised in a largely singular-gender environment. (Heterophobia)

Siderodromophobia – Certainly hearing or seeing a train accident could lead to this fear of trains, railroads or train travel.

Siderophobia – Another cosmic phobia, this fear of stars is another case of some excessive concerns about the unknowns of space.

Sidonglobophobia – A strange phobia indeed. The fear of cotton balls or similar small, white objects, such as packing peanuts. Strange indeed.

Sinistrophobia – A fear of things to the left or of left-handedness. It was once thought that someone who was left-handed was cursed in some way.

Sinophobia – Fearing Chinese, Chinese culture, or any type of tradition or language of that culture.

Sitophobia or Sitiophobia – Fear of food or eating. Can lead to unhealthy and very harmful eating disorders. (Cibophobia)

Snakephobia – An extremely common fear is that of snakes. Since biblical times, the serpent has been viewed as evil.(Ophidiophobia)

Soceraphobia – A fear of parents-in-law may be influenced in large part on historical societal stereotypes.

Social Phobia – Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.

Sociophobia – A fear of people or society as a whole.

Somniphobia – The fear of sleep may be a fear of not waking up or of being attacked in your sleep.

Sophophobia – Fear of learning. Perhaps this is the origin of the saying ‘ignorance is bliss.’

Soteriophobia – If you have this fear of dependence on others, you’ll stay a loner to avoid getting hurt.

Spacephobia – The generalized fear of anything in outer space.

Spectrophobia – A fear of ghosts is not uncommon—if you believe in them, of course.

Spermatophobia or Spermophobia – Having a fear of germs that requires excessive disinfection

Spheksophobia – A fear of wasps is a subset of the fear of stinging insects.

Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia – You may exhibit a fear of standing or walking if you feel unsteady on your feet or unsure about where you’re headed. (Ambulophobia)

Staurophobia – The fear of crosses or the crucifix may relate to the Christian faith or the belief in vampires.

Stenophobia – The fear of narrow things or places may relate in some way to claustrophobia.

Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia – This fear is really the fear of ending up in hell. Anything that we do can see nor have knowledge of intimidates us.

Suriphobia – A fear of mice, as with many other sneaky, beady eyed, big-toothed rodent.

Symbolophobia – The fear of symbolism causes questioning about the deeper meaning of images and words and the fear of offending someone.

Symmetrophobia – The fear of symmetry comes from the pressure to maintain the symmetry.

Syngenesophobia – Some who fear relatives may do so because of the extreme affection and attention which can be overwhelming.

Syphilophobia – A fear of syphilis is not only concerned with the illness, but the stigma with how it is contracted.


Tachophobia – Those who require control of their environment have a fear of speed.

Taeniophobia or Teniophobia – Individuals who fear tapeworms are likely to heavily inspect their food.

Taphephobia, Taphophobia – The fear of being buried alive relates to the fear of dying by suffocation.

Tapinophobia – People who have a fear of being contagious are excessively worried about others.

Taurophobia – A person may exhibit a fear of bulls if they have seen bullfighting or bullriding or some other display of a bulls strength.

Technophobia – The fear of technology speaks to a love/hate relationship that we have with our ‘stuff’.

Teleophobia – A fear of rigid rules and liturgy. This will keep you from joining organizations.

Telephonophobia – If you cringe at communication, you may have a fear of telephones.

Teratophobia – Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Testophobia – The fear of taking tests, test anxiety, is more prevalent with the increase in standardized testing.

Tetanophobia – A rare fear of lockjaw and tetanus. A hypochondriac may look for any and all disease possibilities.

Teutophobia – The xenophobia of Germans or German things.

Textophobia – If certain fabrics scare you, this is your phobia. It could be the texture or the triggering of a bad memory.

Thaasophobia – To fear being seated. Maybe it’s a matter of feeling vulnerable if you are in a seated position.

Thalassophobia – Fear of the vast expanse of the world. Oceans may cause a fear of the sea.

Thanatophobia or Thantophobia – Having fear over death and/or dying is quite common, especially as one gets older.

Theatrophobia – Fear of theaters may be brought on by the excessive volume and the many horror shows.

Theologicophobia – People fear God or gods because of the fear of judgment and punishment.

Theophobia – Fear of theology or fear of God. People fear theology because of the deep personal reflection involved.

Thermophobia – With a fear of heat comes the thought of succumbing to it.

Thyphallophobia – If you are hyper-reactive to things that stimulate you physically, you may experience this phobia of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis.

Tocophobia – Not surprising, some have a fear of childbirth. Candid documentaries and portrayals of the pain and trauma of childbirth can cause fear in most people.

Tomophobia – Fear of surgical operations is really a type of fear of dying.

Tonitrophobia – Fear of thunder can be seen not only in humans, but often in dogs. Dogs have been known to panic and get lost during thunderstorms.

Topophobia – Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.

Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia – Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.

Traumatophobia – The fear of injury involves pain aversion and fearing loss of mobility.

Tremophobia – People may fear trembling if they equate it with early symptoms of a degenerative disease.

Trichinophobia – If you fear trichinosis then you are overly concerned about parasites.

Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia – An excessive fear of hair, like hair in a shower drain. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)

Triskaidekaphobia – The fear of the number 13 is based on many centuries old superstitions. This can also be the fear of Friday the 13th.

Tropophobia – Fear of moving or making changes can be equated to the fear of change.

Trypanophobia–  A fear of injections may be concern over what’s injected as well as the pain involved.

Trypophobia – The fear of small holes, a phobia that has seemed to get a lot of attention these days.

Tuberculophobia – Hypochondriacs can add this fear of tuberculosis to their list.

Tyrannophobia – Perhaps in a country that’s experienced tyranny, some may have a fear of tyrants.


Uranophobia or Ouranophobia – It may seem odd to fear heaven, but skeptics may be worried it won’t live up to their expectiations.

Urophobia – While it seems strange to fear urine or urination, some worry about what is lost in their bodily excretions.


Vaccinophobia – Many fear vaccinations because of real or perceived side effects.

Venephobia – The fear of Veins, we all have them but some people are terrified by simple veins.

Venustraphobia – Having a fear of beautiful women may be because you feel inadequate in your own skin or ‘out of their league.’

Verbophobia – Those who exhibit a fear of words may struggle with their own verbal expression or recognize the ability of the ‘wrong words’ to create a lot of conflict.

Vehophobia – The fear of driving. Think of the issues this phobia can cause as cars are so entwined into modern life.

Verminophobia – Having a fear of germs that requires excessive disinfection.

Vestiphobia – If you fear clothing, it may be because of the way it makes you look.

Virginitiphobia – The thought of this level of violation certainly can cause an extreme fear of rape.

Vitricophobia – Fear of step-fathers comes from the stereotypic belief that step-fathers are generally abusive.


Walloonphobia – Fear of Walloons. Walloons are French speaking Belgians, and they must be very scary to have their own phobia . . . 

Wiccaphobia Fear of witches and witchcraft, heralded with holidays like Halloween, are very common in many cultures.


Xanthophobia – If you fear of the color yellow or the word yellow, there may be something negative in your past associated with that color.

Xenoglossophobia – Some fear foreign languages because they assume people may be talking about them.

Xenophobia – While we want a healthy fear of strangers or foreigners in our children, this level of fear creates extreme anxiety and sometimes hostility. Is also known as the fear of the unknown.

Xerophobia – A fear of dryness may originate in a fear of thirst or dehydration.

Xylophobia – Things which consist of wood, objects, and trees are the basis of this fear.

Xyrophobia – A fear of razors relates to the potential for injury, as with any sharp object.


Zelophobia – A fear of jealousy is the belief that jealous people do irrational and sometimes hurtful things.

Zeusophobia – People fear God or gods because of the fear of judgment and punishment.

Zemmiphobia – The fear of the mole rat is an extension of the general fear of rodents.

Zoophobia – A fear of animals is not uncommon, especially if witnessing an act of animal aggression, such as predator/prey interaction.

Zuigerphobia – The fear of vacuums is not just for cats and dogs, many people fear this harmless cleaning implement.

Your Fear Goes Up and Down

Are you someone who would rather climb the stairs than take the elevator? You call it squeezing in a workout after being sedentary the whole morning. Or perhaps you claim it's a faster route. These are both typical, normal, and acceptable reasons. But what if you need to be in the conference room on the eleventh floor in five minutes, and you're wearing your business suit and wingtips? Would you still prefer to take the stairs? If your answer is yes, then maybe it's time to take a closer look at your reasons for avoiding elevators. Elevators stir all sorts of emotions in passengers. From the discomfort of closeness to strangers to the sensations in our gut, elevators can be a source of the heebie-jeebies for many, but for some, they can also be a source of terror. Let's dig a little deeper into the latter, and see what this terror is all about and what can be done to manage it. To begin with, does being inside an elevator give you chills or the sweats? Or does it trigger an unpleasant memory? Perhaps you remember movies you've watched where something terrible happens inside an elevator. From Silence of the Lambs, The Shining, Final Destination 2, or the king of all elevator horror films, 2010’s Devil, the elevator becomes witness to something sinister and horrible. And you want nothing to do with any of it. You know that you're not claustrophobic. You can deal with heights just fine, too. And you know that you're not going to be trapped inside. All of these contribute to a fear of elevators—but they don't apply to you. Yet being inside one does something to you. It's hard to explain.

What is the Fear of Elevators Called?

What you have is a fear of elevators, which is called elevatophobia. It is most commonly triggered by an experience of getting stuck inside either due to a power outage or technical maintenance. Hearing about other people's experiences or watching a movie about similar circumstances can prompt a fear of elevators getting stuck with you inside. Usually, claustrophobics and agoraphobics may also develop elevatophobia because the triggers and objects of these fears are related. Claustrophobia is the fear of closed and cramped spaces, while agoraphobia is the fear of being trapped without any means of escape. Put the two together, and the elevator becomes the perfect combination of both phobias. The space is limited and closed, with only one means of entry and exit. You can add another point of access if you consider climbing the cables like they do in the movies, but that certainly isn't ideal.

Symptoms of Elevatophobia

If for some reason an elevator stops due to an outage or some technical difficulty, passengers with elevatophobia may go into full panic mode. Even if the maintenance team advises that it will just be a matter of minutes, by then, the person's mind has become irrational with the fear of the elevator falling, being stuck for hours, or other unpleasant thoughts. You would expect a person to exhibit the following physical symptoms: Additionally, you would be filled with that overwhelming anxiety where you feel that you have zero control over the situation. You start fearing the unknown and are filled with negative thoughts about death and imminent doom. You become irrational and unresponsive.

Possible Complications of Elevatophobia

When the panic sets in, the possibility of emergencies related to pre-existing conditions may make themselves known. This might include serious health crises like heart attacks or asthma attacks. When this happens, fear becomes a medical emergency. Elevator rides do not last long; it's just a matter of minutes or even less. But the fact that a person can escalate from panic to a near fatal medical situation classifies the fear of elevators as a 'hard phobia.'

Trying Some Self-Help Methods

Your fear of elevators can likely interfere with your social and work life and relationships. Not everyone understands that elevatophobia, like most phobias, can be crippling. But don't be disheartened. Depending on the level of your fear and level of control, you can gradually face and manage your phobia. Here are some recommendations you can try:
  1. Make a List of Everything that Entails Riding in an Elevator This is a systematic approach to getting over your anxiety. By following a step-by-step process, you can identify where the fear kicks in at its strongest. You can write a list of steps like pressing the topmost button and waiting to arrive on that floor, watching as the door closes and opens, being alone inside the elevator, or having delays with the doors opening. Now try doing the opposite. For example, face away from the door or occupy yourself with your phone so that you are distracted.
  2. Create Your Fear Ladder Although the name says fear of elevators, it is not the whole process that scares you. There are just phases and parts of the elevator riding experience that cause you to panic. So go back to the list you initially created and label the fear level you feel. You can do it numerically, too, like ten being 'really scary,' six, 'manageable scary,' and one, 'not scary at all.' You can put the corresponding fear levels so you can focus more time and effort into activities that are more scary to you.
  3. Face Your Fear By now, you have identified what scares you the most. You can try repetitive action to minimize your fear and increase your sense of ‘normalcy’. Remember that the longer you expose yourself to your fear, the better you get at handling your emotions. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stop. Pushing yourself too fast and too soon can backfire. Modify your pace and go slower instead.
  4. Talk About Your Fear People by nature, unfortunately, are not quick to offer understanding and support. You need to tell them what's wrong before they can empathize. Talk to someone who you trust and ask for their support, especially in the initial phase of overcoming your fear. If you are too afraid to ride the elevator alone, you can ask them to go with you, and before you realize it, you are on your floor, and there was no indication of panic.
  5. Learn To Be Patient Be patient with yourself and your predicament. This is, after all, your fight against fear. It might take hundreds of elevator ride practices before the fear gets under control. Even then, there might be some hesitations and episodes of nervousness. These are acceptable and expected, so cut yourself some slack and congratulate yourself for every progress.

Seeking Professional Help

Along with self-help, you can always enlist a medical professional's aid to support you with your elevatophobia. Talking to someone who has experience with similar cases can be comforting, because you know that you are not alone, and this situation can get better. Talk to your doctor about the severity of your fears and the symptoms that you experience. Explain how you deal with it in an attempt to control it. An exam and a health history are made to ensure that there are no unrelated or underlying problems that your symptoms might mask. Usually, phobias like this are approached with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Your doctor will talk about these options with you, and it's entirely up to you, with your doctor's recommendation, what you want to pursue. For psychotherapy, the most common type is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to help you find different ways of behaving, thinking, and reacting when about to step inside an elevator or when already inside it. With medications, there are beta blockers and benzodiazepines, but note that these can have side effects. Whatever these side effects are, you should promptly share it with your doctor.

Simple Tips to Overcome Elevatophobia

Elevators are not perfect, but their likelihood to malfunction, fall, or get stuck is very low. If you are not fully confident with this information, you can help overcome your elevatophobia by learning common elevator safety tips and basic elevator operations. These should help curb your mild fear until you become more self-assured. In addition to that, here are some of the things that you can do to gradually overcome your fear of elevators—both in getting on and riding one.


Yes, elevatophobia can be a challenge in today's world, but don't allow the elevator to win. Don't let it stop you from taking a job on the top floor or attending a social gathering on the rooftop. Sure, you can take the stairs if you insist and arrive winded and sweaty, with the party about to wrap up. But is this the quality of life you seek? Elevators are designed to make life easier. There are guaranteed ways to help you overcome elevatophobia. Take the first step and seek help. Soon, you’ll see yourself breezing through the floors with those arduous stair climbs little more than a memory.
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