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Unnerving, Humanlike Figures
Have you ever entered a mall or passed by a clothing shop’s display window only to be startled by the mannequins? Did you turn away, your eyes squeezed shut, wishing you had never looked in that direction?
Have you dashed out of a department store at the sight of a cluster of mannequins? Or maybe you froze up under the gaze of a torso mannequin while trying to pay for the pink silk scarf your mother mentioned she liked.
Even the sight of figurines on a cake may stir indescribable feelings that make you cringe. But you don’t know why you feel this way.
Living under a shadow that threatens to tear you apart is nerve-wracking. You can’t even explain to your friends why you won’t accompany them through the sculpture museum. Mannequins, figurines, and even art sculptures cause a deep fear in you.
Undeniably, your fear is real, but you can overcome it. How? you ask. The answer is simple. First, you come to understand it. Then you learn how to face it.
What Causes Automatonophobia?
When you look back, it may be hard for you to pinpoint where it all began. It could have been a scary movie you saw when you were young. Or it could have been a nasty prank your friends played with a doll or another human-shaped object.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from anxiety and phobia. Just like other phobias, this fear could have taken hold of you out of the blue. Maybe you felt uncomfortable around people whose faces lacked expression or those who stared blankly into space. You could have thought them to be lifeless, which may have led to the development of this fear.
Everything You Need to Know about Automatonophobia
If you merely dislike the sight of mannequins, dolls, or other humanlike figures, that would not be a phobia. It becomes a phobia when your fear of mannequins and other such objects becomes so overpowering that you’re unable to function normally. You may feel anxious and have difficulty breathing—that is automatonophobia. This phobia also includes the fear of statues, especially the fear of large statues. The fear of dolls, also known as pediphobia, is a related phobia.
Not all people are afraid of figures that resemble humans. Some may fear robots but may not be scared of dolls. Others are fine with mannequins, but wax figures made to look like humans spark fear in them.
The word automatonophobia comes from the Greek word automatos or autos, meaning ‘self-acting’, and Phobos, which refers to ‘aversion or deep fear’. So a deep fear of anything that resembles a human shape, like a ventriloquist’s dummy, or possibly fear of a puppet, would spark fear or agitation.
Some who suffer from the fear of humanlike figures also develop the fear that objects which move on their own can be harmful. For example, they may fear animatronics.
Symptoms of Automatonophobia
When you find yourself unable to focus in the presence of a humanlike figure, or feel nauseous or dizzy, that may be your body responding to something it finds threatening. In the case of automatonophobia, you may experience various symptoms, either physical, mental/emotional, or both.
Physical Symptoms
- Shaking
- Crying, running out of breath
- Racing heartbeats
- Dizziness, nausea
- Feeling of choking
- Hot or cold flushes (the feeling after running a lot)
- Sweaty palms
- Chest pain
Mental/Emotional Symptoms
- The feeling of living in another world
- Thoughts of dying
- You feel as if you’re being chased
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety attacks
- Living in constant fear
Autonomatonophobia can cause different symptoms in different people. These symptoms may cause you to feel embarrassed about your fear. And you may not feel like you can control it. Since you can’t avoid seeing these humanlike figures out in the world, the best thing to do is to deal with your fear.
Treating Automatonophobia
When you have an infection, you usually see a doctor, right? Similarly, when you fear something so much that it begins to disrupt your daily life, you need treatment before it gets worse.
Before getting professional help, consider whether it’s required. Ask yourself, “Can I manage this phobia on my own?”
Don’t give up. Keep asking yourself, “Are these nonliving objects going to hurt me?”
Try to distinguish reality from your thoughts. The more you think about it, the more you’ll believe it. So, remind yourself that humanlike figures are harmless pieces of plastic, marble, stone, or wax.
Write Down Your Thoughts
Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal can offer relief from some of the suffering. You want those anxious thoughts to come out onto the page. And when you write things down, you’re also hearing yourself out. With every word you’ll end up asking yourself, ‘Is this possible?’ With time you come to realize that it’s bigger in your mind than in reality.
Relaxation Techniques
Each time you face something unwanted, take slow, deep breaths. It helps. Deep inhalation sends greater amounts of oxygen through your body. You’ll feel less shaky. Meditate by thinking of happy thoughts, your happy place to be, your favorite person, food, smells. Try thinking of a life without fear.
Talk with Someone
If you have someone you trust, share your fears with them. Your mother, your sibling, or someone else you’re close to. Go to whomever you think understands you best. Talking with someone can help you overcome your fear.
Professional Help
If self-help is not enough, you can consult your family doctor, who will guide you on what to do. They can suggest a therapist you can consult. A professional would understand the science behind your fears, and even help you learn how to deal with them.
Mental health professionals may use cognitive-behavioral therapy. This method of therapy helps you replace destructive or disturbing thoughts with more positive and realistic ones. The process has many goals you need to fulfill, and the therapist will be actively involved in helping you reach those goals. That means you may receive homework to do between sessions with them.
You may also experience systematic desensitization, where you come to terms with the cause of your fear. This replaces the fear response of your phobia with a more relaxed response. In the end, it teaches you to increase your control over your responses.
How to Overcome Automatonophobia?
Therapy will improve your phobia, but there is no guarantee it will go away completely. Continue to reassure yourself, write down your feelings, or talk with loved ones to keep in touch with how you feel. Even if you still feel some mild annoyance while looking at humanlike figures, you’ve come a long way from your phobia. And that deserves a pat on the back.
The very fact that you’re here, reading about what you fear, is proof that you want to do something about it. And that’s very brave indeed.
In Conclusion
Getting rid of this phobia is a long journey. So remain patient and stay focused on your destination: A happy life with no fears! The next time you enter a museum or department store, you may be able to walk out with a smile on your face and memories to cherish.